About the talk:

Join us as we discuss the overall strategy of the TA Total Return Income Fund with Vincent Chan, CFA, Deputy Chief Investment Officer and Head of Multi-Asset at Fullerton Fund Management. Learn about how the fund utilises a global multi-asset strategy to provide both capital appreciation and steady income to investors, guiding you to make informed decisions.

About the speaker:

Nova Lui

Head of Investors Advisory

Vincent Chan
CFA, Deputy Chief Investment Officer & Head of Multi-Asset at Fullerton Fund Management

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Any opinion, management forecast or estimate contained in this podcast is based on information available as the date of this podcast and are subject to change without notice. It does not constitute an offer or solicitation to deal in units of any RHB fund and does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation or the particular needs of any specific person who may receive this. Investors may wish to seek advice from a financial adviser/unit trust consultant before purchasing units of any funds. In the event that the investor chooses not to seek advice from a financial adviser/unit trust consultant, he should consider whether the fund in question is suitable for him. Past performance of the fund or the manager, and any economic and market trends or forecast, are not necessarily indicative of the future or likely performance of the fund or the manager. The value of units in the fund, and the income accruing to the units, if any, from the fund, may fall as well as rise.

A Product Highlights Sheet (“PHS”) highlighting the key features and risks of the RHB i-Sustainable Future Technology Fund dated 30 May 2023, RHB Pacific Technology Fund dated 29 March 2021, RHB Manulife India Equity Fund dated 25 January 2022, Affin Hwang World Series – Global Healthscience Fund dated 3 April 2019, and AHAM Select Opportunity Fund dated 30 December 2022. (“Fund”) is available and investors have the right to request for a PHS.

Investors are advised to obtain, read and understand the PHS and the contents of the Information Memorandum and its supplementary (ies) (if) (“the Information Memorandum”) before investing. The Information Memorandum has been registered with the Securities Commission Malaysia (“SC”) who takes no responsibility for its contents. The SC’s approval and authorization of the registration of the Information Memorandum should not be taken to indicate that the SC has recommended or endorsed the Fund. Amongst others, investors should consider the fees and charges involved. Investors should also note that the price of units and distributions payable, if any, may go down as well as up. Where a distribution is declared, investors are advised that following the issue of additional units/distribution, the NAV per unit will be reduced from cum distribution NAV to ex-distribution NAV. Any issue of units to which the Information Memorandum relates will only be made on receipt of a form of application referred to in the Information Memorandum. The printed copy of prospectus and Product Highlight Sheet is available at RHB branches/Premier Centre and investors have the right to request for a Product Highlight Sheet. Investors are advised that investments are subject to investment risk and that there can be no guarantee that any investment objectives will be achieved. Investors should conduct their own assessment before investing and seek professional advice, where necessary and should not make an investment decision based solely on this update.

The Manager wishes to highlight the specific risks of the RHB i-Sustainable Future Technology Fund are Fund Management Risk, Redemption Risk, Loan/Financing Risk, Risk of non-compliance, Returns are not guaranteed risk, Risk of termination of the fund, Inflation Risk, Market Risk, Liquidity Risk, Islamic Financial Derivatives Risk, Shariah-Compliant Equity-Related Securities Risk, Profit Rate Risk, Default Rate & Credit Risk, Technology-related Companies Risk, Sustainability Risk, Smaller Companies Risk, Currency Risk, Country Risk, Concentration Risk, Reclassification of Shariah Status Risk. The specific risks of RHB Pacific Technology Fund are Investment Risk, Equity Risk, Technology Related Companies Risk, Emerging Markets Risk, Concentration Risk, Smaller Companies Risk, Currency Risk, Liquidity Risk, Risk Associated with High Volatility of the equity market in Pacific Region, Derivatives Risk, Political, Economic and Social Risk, Market Risk, Hedging Risk, Leverage Risk, Low Level of Monitoring Risk, Legal, Tax and Regulatory Risk, Valuation Risk, Custodial Risk, Counterparty Risk, People’s Republic of China Tax Risk Consideration, Early Termination Risk, Cross-class Liability Risk, China Market Risk, Risk associated with Foreign Shareholding Restriuctions on China A-Shares, Risk associated with Short Swing Profit Rule, Risk associated with China Connect, Risks associated with Investments in Stocks listed on the SME Board and/or the ChiNext Board of the SZSE and/or the Science and Technology Innovation Board of the SSE, Risks associated with the Equity-linked Notes and Participation Notes, Risks associated with Collateral Management and Re-investment of cash collateral, LIBOR Discontinuance or Unavailability Risk. The specific risks of the RHB Manulife India Equity Fund are Manager’s Risk, Market Risk, Liquidity Risk, Country Risk, Currency Risk, Small-Cap Risk, Natural Resources Sector Risk, Taxation Risks, Financial Derivative Instruments other than for Investment Purpose Risk, Foreign Exchange Risks, Liquidity and Volatility Risks, Emerging Markets Risks, Political and Regulatory Risks, Custodial, Clearance and Settlement Risk, Credit Downgrade Risk, Macroeconomic Risk Factors, Global Commodity Prices Risk, Oil Price Risks, Government Policy Risks, Risk of Price Controls, Risk of Stock Market Controls, Geopolitical Risks, Labour Market Risks, Environmental Regulation Risks and Swing Pricing Risk. The specific risks of Affin Hwang World Series – Global Healthscience Fund are Concentration Risk, Liquidity Risk, Country risk, Currency Risk, Regulatory Risk, Target Fund Manager risk. The specific risks of AHAM Select Opportunity Fund are Stock Specific Risk, Credit and Default Risk, Interest Rate Risk, Warrants Investment Risk, Country Risk, Currency Risk, Regulatory Risk and other general risks are elaborated in the Information Memorandum.

This podcast has not been reviewed by the Securities Commission Malaysia (SC).

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