Sharing the light in our hearts during Deepavali

This Deepavali, let’s share our light with others (in a very cost-effective way). These are some tips and workarounds to make the most of your benefits as an RHB customer.

It’s easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. We often find ourselves getting upset or complaining about things that we have little or no control over. In the confusion and mayhem, we can lose sight of how far we have come on our own personal journeys. In the darkness, it can be difficult to see the light of our blessings.

Every Deepavali, as radiant lights illuminate our homes and colours dance in our doorways, we are reminded of the triumph of light over darkness. Without darkness, there cannot be light. It is with this understanding that we can truly appreciate how brightly our blessings shine.

Deepavali is not only about celebrating our personal achievements but also rejoicing in the success of others. As we open our hearts and our homes, let’s share the light with others to make the world a brighter place. Your success is mine, and mine is yours.


Light up your home

While we let the metaphoric side of Deepavali sink in, let’s not forget the practical side of the celebrations. We are going to be hosting a group of people in our homes, so we may need to look at a few minor improvements to spruce up the home.

There’s no need to splurge on major renovations. Here are a few innovative ideas that combine a little bit of DIY with support for local businesses under RHB’s #JomSapot banner. Materials for these projects can be purchased from local businesses such as MR DIY, Jimart and others. Get the full list of participating merchants here.

The results will surely win the admiration of your guests!


  1. Luminous Lanterns: Create your own lanterns using colourful paper or recycled materials. Cut out intricate patterns and add LED tea lights for a mesmerising glow that is safety-approved and energy-efficient. Hang them from your ceilings or place them strategically around your home to create an enchanting ambience.
  2. Radiant Rangoli: Rangoli designs are an integral part of Deepavali traditions. Instead of using coloured powder, opt for flower petals, coloured rice, or even coloured sand. Explore geometric patterns or let your artistic skills flow freely with intricate floral designs that welcome prosperity and good fortune.
  3. Dazzling DIY Candles: Transform plain candles into works of art by decorating them with glitter, sequins, or fabric wraps. Get creative with different sizes and shapes to create a mesmerising centrepiece or adorn your doorstep with a radiant pathway of candlelight. If you’re worried about kids running into them, you can opt for LED candles as well.
  4. Glowing Garlands: Fashion your own garlands using vibrant fabric scraps, artificial flowers, or even strings of LED lights. String them along staircases, mantels, or door frames to infuse your home with a festive atmosphere.
  5. Elegant Table Settings: Dress up your dining table with DIY placemats and napkin rings. Use ornate fabric remnants, decorative ribbons, or even repurposed Deepavali saree borders to create a personalised touch. To avoid using disposable paper plates, combine these with colourful ceramic plates for a truly memorable dining experience.

And remember, these decorations can be re-used for multiple occasions, so don’t throw them away!


Time to dress up and feed your guests

Deepavali is the time to dress up in our finest as we welcome guests into our homes and visit our friends and family. Yet, you don’t need to spend a fortune on a new look. Check the list of RHB’s #JomSapot merchants for fashion retailers and even artisan clothes makers that won’t bust your budget.

If you’re an RHB Credit Card/-i holder, you’re in luck. We want to give to you so you can give to others. There’s a deal for every day of the week. On weekends, spend with your card on clothing and at department stores and get 5% cashback.

You can opt to go grocery shopping any day of the week, online or at the store, and get 20% cashback on your food items. This will help you to get quality groceries to prepare a feast that will delight your guests.

There’s more! If you’re planning to balik kampung during the holiday or drive around to get items to decorate your home, fill up your tank on Mondays with your card and get 5% cashback.

If you’re not a cardholder yet, sign up here. We don’t want you to miss out on great deals, but please remember to check the terms and conditions first!

We’re proud to be Malaysian. And every celebration is a true testimony to our multicultural identity. From all of us at RHB, Happy Deepavali! May the light shine brightly in your homes and hearts.

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