Fund Transfer

You can transfer funds via RHB Online and Mobile Banking to the following accounts:

- Own RHB accounts
- Third-party accounts in RHB Bank
- An account in another bank/e-Wallet that supports DuitNow Transfer via Account Number
- An account in another bank/e-Wallet that supports DuitNow Transfer via DuitNow

For a more seamless experience, all fund transfers are done via DuitNow Transfer so you can review the recipient's name to ensure your funds are transferred instantly and correctly.

IBG will be an alternative option only when there are instant transfer issues. This is to ensure the recipient will still receive your funds.

Log in to RHB Online Banking or RHB Mobile Banking. Choose 'Transfer' and follow these steps:


  1. Select the account under 'Pay To Account'.
  2. Enter the amount and transaction description (optional).
  3. Choose 'Next'.
  4. Verify the transaction details and choose 'Submit'.

Log in to RHB Online Banking or RHB Mobile Banking. Choose 'Transfer' and follow these steps:


  1. Select the account to transfer to from your Favourites or make a new payment. You can also choose 'Individual' then 'via
  2. Account Number' and then 'RHB'.
  3. Enter the recipient's account number.
  4. Enter the amount you’d like to transfer and recipient’s reference.
  5. Choose 'Next'.
  6. Verify the transaction details and choose 'Submit'.


Log in to RHB Online Banking or RHB Mobile Banking. Choose 'Transfer' and follow these steps:


  1. Select the account to transfer to from your Favourites or make a new payment. You can also choose 'Individual' then 'via
  2. Account Number' and then 'Other Bank'.
  3. Enter the recipient's account number.
  4. Enter the amount you’d like to transfer and recipient’s reference.
  5. Choose 'Next'.
  6. Verify the transaction details and choose 'Submit'.

You’ll be notified when payment due date is near. When you receive this notification, choose 'Pay Now'.

Alternatively, you can also follow these steps:


  1. Choose 'Pay' at the 'Credit Card' section.
  2. Enter the preferred amount you’d like to pay.
  3. Choose 'Next' to review the payment information.
  4. Select 'Submit' to complete the payment.